Thursday, 25 February 2016

Fresh blood: Heather

Hey there inkers! Hope youre all having a fantastic week.

This week were going to be welcoming the newest member of the Modern Ink Team, our apprentice, Heather Bradley. Heather has been with us since the start of the year, and we are very happy to have her with us.

Heather is an experienced artist who has also already tattooed clients in the past, and as such we have taken her under our wing to revise the basics and to discuss drawing and artwork, before again putting a machine in her hands. Heather has now begun tattooing clients at her own pave, and over time will develop into a full-time tattooer with her own space in our studio!

Heather enjoys a variety of art styles but tends to excel in realism and enjoys spiritual designs with deep meaning behind them. She draws inspiration from animals, people, spirituality, abstract designs, and even pop culture artwork like anime and some neo-traditional tattooing.


Heather is studying mainly under our head-artist Kris tutelage but is also constantly communicating with our artists to develop anything she can to make her the best tattooer she can be. Heather has a strong passion for her work and is an enthusiastic and kind person who we are very pleased to have as a part of our expanding team.

So keep your eyes peeled people, Heather is the next best thing to come out of our studio and we are very proud and excited to see where her tattooing journey takes her.

Next week we just may have some more happy news, so stay tuned!
Until then stay safe, see you next time youre in the studio!

-The Modern Ink Team

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Guest Artist inbound! Jessie Foakes

Howdy inkers! Hope you’re all having a fantastic week and that 2016 is off to a killer start. We have some exciting news! This year we will be host to a few guest artists from across the globe! The first one we would like to announce is Jessie Foakes, from Goodship 13 tattoo studio in Hadleigh, Essex!

Jessie is a unique and stylised tattooer who creates individual pieces with an almost abstract quality to them. Her work is vivid and beautiful, well-tattooed and definitely has a life-span to it to boot! Jessie will be working with our friends at Elysian tattoo in June and then will be settling down with us for a while from July onwards.

We are so excited to have another artist in our shop with us, it’s a great opportunity for us to bounce off of each other and watch another artist at work. It’s also a great chance for us to be tattooed by a popular international artist ;D.

If you are interested in being tattooed by Jessie while she is in Australia, you can contact her directly via her email or social media, where you can also check out more of her brilliant work!

Instagram: @justjessie310

That’s all for this week, people!

Looking forward to seeing you in the studio throughout the week!
Til’ then, inkers!

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Guest Artist: Kylie Garth

Howdy inkers!

We’re going to interrupt the blog for a quick mention to our newest guest artist; Kylie Garth!
Kylie is a body mod artist and machine-free tattooer who hails from New Zealand and has worked all over the world. She offers simple and cute designs tattooed by hand-poking method, a style of tattoo art and method that has become increasingly popular over the years, especially with the ladies!

Kylie has trained and developed her work with a number of reputable mentors internationally and has been tattooing her unique and adorable designs on them for years. The tattoos are made by a series of hand-poked dots that form lines and as such are prone to being stipple-shaded and can also have a dash of colour through them for some extra oomph!

Kylie has been taking a large number of bookings and we are so happy to be able to offer yet another unique modification out of our studio. We are one of the only studio’s in W.A to offer machine and hand-poke tattooing in so many diverse styles as well as high-end body jewellery and professional body-piercing, 2016 is already shaping up to be a massive one for us, we have more guest artists come through to, so keep your peepers peeled and your ears open!

Next week we are going to introduce our other fresh blood; the studios new apprentice Heather Bradley. Then we will get back into teaching you how to find the artist for you and how to correctly convey your ideas to get the best tattoo you could imagine.

Til next time inkers!

-The Modern Ink Team

Tuesday, 2 February 2016


Howdy there inkers!

Our next few blogs will be centred on finding an appropriate art style and artist for your tattoo, and the best ways to go about it! First up we are going to look at the importance of not just seeking a tattooer, but an artist.

When looking for a tattooer, it is important to not go shooting in the dark. You should be looking at artists work, their tattooing and their drawings, get a feel for their aesthetic and their influences, don’t approach a trad artist about realism, don’t approach a realism artist about dotwork, if you want the best tattoo you get then it is important to pick out someone who has done work that you can look at and confidently say “I would wear that.”

                                                      Pencil drawing by Sanni Saar.

Something else that is crucial in getting that perfect piece is to find an artist who can actually DRAW. If you want an original customised design, it should be performed by an artist who can create that piece for you. Our guys are all very talented artists first and foremost.

                                          Trad flash design by Jaes Bidwell.

                                         Artwork by Allan Tuul.

When it comes the time for you to pick out an artist, consider the following things:
- The style of artwork you want, have you seen it somewhere before? Are there local artists who can provide a similar style?

-The content. Do you think the artist you have in mind is going to be suitable to your ideas? If they suggest a different artist, maybe consider checking them out? Tattooers will never say no to a job they think they can do well, if they recommend someone else it may be because they are not the best-suited to the job!

-Be fluid. Try to understand the process, you will end up with a better piece by discussing your ideas and developing them with an artist. If you have picked a particular artist for a piece, it is because of their work! So let them have some creative input on your ideas, they may just suggest something you never considered!

                                          Pencil drawing by Kris Barnas.

                                          Flash design by Jaz Winters.

That’s it for this week, inkers. We have an incredibly diverse palate of talented artists in our studio, we pride ourselves on our variety and our capability to take on any job, if you have an idea or a style, contact us and we can arrange for you to discuss it with an appropriate artist.

Next week we will be talking about how to prepare for an enquiry/consultation. What information should you be giving an artist to get your ideas across right?

Til next time inkers!
-The Modern Ink Team