Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Artist Focus: Jaz Winters

Howdy, inkers! Over the next few weeks we will be taking a look at each of our artists and their styles in depth, so you can choose the right person for the job. First up is resident neo-traditional artist; Jazzy.

Jazzy is a beast. Her work is original, bright, colourful, and well-tattooed. She is happy to tackle near any subject matter and while she revels in bold and distinctive designs she is capable of taking on nearly any job, realism, dotwork, movie and book characters, neo-trad, even trad, this talented lady is a force to be reckoned with.

Jaz has been tattooing for 6 years, and her style and quality of work only continues to develop and improve by the day. She is generally quite heavily booked, but is always looking for new clients and designs to enjoy and throw herself into.

Jaz has also done a lot of watercolour work! She implements it into her designs as accent or backing, or can do full pieces in this unique style. Her colour-work is thick, bright, and impressive, and it is what she loves.

Jaz also does a lot of cover-up’s and reworks! She has a great eye for fixing existing work or even blasting straight over it, and she is popular for this amongst her original works.

So perhaps its time you organized a consultation so you can meet the lady herself, and have a talk about your next great tattoo? We’re only ever a phone-call or an email away!

Check Jazzy out on her Instagram @Jazzytattoo.

Next week we will be talking about our old-school salty dog, Jaes.

Til then inkers, keep it real.

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